Our first year, we are happy to present the award to Rozi Vaczy, the founder of matyodesign.
NESsT Hosts Impact Investing Reception at the Royal Academy of Arts
On March 7th, investment professionals, philanthropists, strategists and changemakers came together at the Royal Academy of Arts to discuss how to grow the social entrepreneurship ecosystem. Why social entrepreneurship? It offers sustainable solutions to unemployment, environmental degradation, and poverty.
Celebrating Anna Horváth's legacy
NESsT Launches Impact Fund to Invest in 30,000 Jobs
We all profit from environmental conservation and biodiversity
When we try to understand the workings of nature, its logic and, more than that, to see that we are part of this whole, the logic of business changes. It changes because it makes no sense to prioritize the economic side of business if it destroys the nature of which we are part, meaning injury to millions of human, animal and plant lives over the long-term.
The Right Capital at the Right Time Will Scale Social Enterprises in Europe
Encauchados raises $40,000 in 40 hours
Fisherman, Conservationist, Businessman and Community Leader
The Secret to this Award-Winning Craft Beer: Diverse Abilities
Pedala: From Idea to Sales to Scaling
Alexandre and Vinicius set out to launch an ecological delivery social enterprise. They quickly realized they didn’t have all the right skills to run a company. A good idea and passion aren’t enough to make a social enterprise successful; entrepreneurs need specialized skills and advisory to make their businesses a long-term success.