NESsTing Upon the Thames

NESsTing Upon the Thames

Claire Wilkinson has been newly appointed to the Board of NESsT UK.  She’s walking the 184 miles of the Thames Path from the barrier east of Greenwich to the river’s source in Gloucestershire.  While she walks, she’s going to consider social entrepreneurship and write a blog for us.  She’s hoping to encourage donations to NESsT, to raise money for social enterprises generating dignified jobs for people most in need.

Latest post: 25 June 2019

The Business Case for Gender Lens Investing: Calibrating Investor and Entrepreneur Expectations

The Business Case for Gender Lens Investing: Calibrating Investor and Entrepreneur Expectations

Should the impact investing sector pioneer these practices into mainstream investing? Well, gender inclusion means different things to different people. It's important to define what we mean when using the terms "gender lens, gender equity, and gender inclusion" to make sure that everyone is aligned so that we move far in a few areas as opposed to moving slightly across many.