Social enterprises use innovative business models that connect vulnerable groups to formal labor market jobs. Despite the importance of this work, the majority of these enterprises are only measuring outputs such as number of jobs, and not the quality of these jobs and whether they are truly “decent” and moving these groups out of poverty and toward a path of social mobility.
Providing Vocational Education and Jobs for Young People with Intellectual Disabilities
Young people with intellectual disabilities in Poland are at high risk of social exclusion and unemployment. Currently, less than 0.1% of people with intellectual disabilities participate in the labor market. Siedlisko is a social enterprise that offers vocational training and dignified employment opportunities to youth with intellectual disabilities and to long-term unemployed people from rural areas.
CONCORDIA Bakery - A Springboard for Future Employment of Youth in Romania
NESsT Partners Spotlight: Guilherme Fernandes
Kiva Lenders Raise $25,000 for Cafe Compadre in 72 hours
Cafe Compadre's $25,000 loan was funded in under 72 hours! Thanks to the 766 Kiva lenders for becoming part of Compadre's mission to improve incomes for coffee farmers through solar tech!
Sustainable Fishery Trade: Building Partnerships in the Bay Area
Simone Pisu from Sustainable Fishery Trade (SFT), an enterprise that connects small-scale fishing families directly to the market, spent two weeks meeting with important sector leaders in San Francisco.