NESsT's portfolio director for the Andean Region offers three top tips for social entrepreneurs: (1) Look Deep, (2) Seek Feedback and (3) Test, Test, Test.
Make Social Entrepreneurship a Part of Your Philanthropy
#NESsT20: Enterprising Solutions, Dignified Futures
The I2E Inventing Green Tool: Making the Daunting Task of Reducing Climate Change Less Daunting
Women are a majority treated as a minority
Fostering Financial Sustainability of Oak Foundation Grantees in Belize
Combatting the Informal Economy in Peru through Social Entrepreneurship
From the Bitter Part of a Sales Job to the Sweet Beginnings of a Jam Business
NESsT Delivers Intensive Online Business Accelerator Program for Red de Pathways Members
Join Housekipp in Formalizing the Domestic Services Sector in Peru
With your support, women in Peru will have the opportunity to improve their income, receive professional training, and access micro-loans for their children and families to thrive. By lending $25 or more, you can help Housekipp reach 100% so that it can train and employ 240 women by 2021.