Imagine where social entrepreneurs would be if they could rely on an ecosystem of private and public support that gives them the flexibility to innovate, the time to build market driven models, the opportunity to build sustainable jobs and income opportunities for the vulnerable.
Encauchados raises $40,000 in 40 hours
Fisherman, Conservationist, Businessman and Community Leader
The Secret to this Award-Winning Craft Beer: Diverse Abilities
Pedala: From Idea to Sales to Scaling
Alexandre and Vinicius set out to launch an ecological delivery social enterprise. They quickly realized they didn’t have all the right skills to run a company. A good idea and passion aren’t enough to make a social enterprise successful; entrepreneurs need specialized skills and advisory to make their businesses a long-term success.
Why we should celebrate the Future of Work
Concordia: Crafting a Family Space for Youth & Nurturing Skills for Success as Adults
Programming Education as a Chance for Dignified Employment
Welcoming Dalba Social Brewery and Being Together Foundation to the NESsT Portfolio in Poland!
[Webinar] Mentoring Across the Enterprise Life Cycle
Entrepreneurs, how can you choose the mentoring that's right for your business? Mentors and portfolio managers, how can you tailor your support to best meet the needs of an evolving business? We'll discuss the different approaches mentors and advisors are using to support entrepreneurs and how to optimize their effectiveness.