At a Glance

Location: Pécs-Somogy, Hungary

Impact Area:
Labor Inclusion

People Supported:
Indigenous & Roma People, Small Producers & Artisans, Rural

Joined NESsT Portfolio:



In the southern city of Pécs, there is a mining district – Pécs-Somogy – which has been gradually declining and segregating since the democratic transition in the 1990’s. Today, the district is mostly inhabited by long-term unemployed, disadvantaged Roma families, who lack income-generating opportunities. Tegyünk Egymásért Egyesület (Let’s Help Each Other Social Cooperative) trains and employs local Roma women to produce tailor-made workwear, providing jobs and reliable income to support their families.


NESsT Investment

Tegyünk Egymásért Egyesület (Let’s Help Each Other Social Cooperative) joined the NESsT portfolio in 2016. NESsT has provided consulting support to help Tegyünk Egymásért Egyesületcreate a business plan and identify financial resources to start-up production.

We had a dream, which is getting realized now. The road to its realization was not easy, we have invested a lot of work in it and the supporting work of NESsT also played an important role in reaching our goal. TESZ was founded prior to the Springbroad competition in order to start a social enterprise. We had a clear vision, we knew we wanted to create a tailoring manufactory, where we would work together with disadvantaged people in order to create high-quality workwear. We needed supporters who could provide us with professional help that could contribute to our further development and this is exactly what we got as a member of the NESsT portfolio.
— Anita Bartókné Ehreth, Managing Director of TESZ

Results & Impact 


local Roma women to be trained in sewing


life-changing, dignified jobs for local Roma women in the next five years


social enterprise revenue by 2020